Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Slowly But, Well, Slowly

Well, I know its been a long time since the last up date on this thing but with all the sickness, calling stuff, and getting ready for the Trip I'm taking to China, It's been hard to get stuff done in the garage. I did find some time this week though. So here we go. The twist grip throttle adapted perfectly to the handle bar and I had to freshen up the shifter which now works great.
I ran into a little trouble with the magneto got giving the needed spark.

I had to salvage one (magneto) from a donor motor.
And here she is. (magneto) It was a quick and easy fix and when reassembled the engine ran great.
I totally lucked out and found a belt from my among my treasures that fit perfect. All that's left is adjusting the chain length and some foot pegs and she'll be ready for her maiden voyage. Once the bugs are worked out ( if any) I plan to ride this to work and back once! It should be one fun cop dodging experience. If pulled over I plan on getting off the hook by the cop assuming that I'm mentally challenged. Shouldn't be to hard to see.

Speaking of mental, here's a couple of picks of some bums on the Trax train in Salt Lake City. We took the young men to Temple Square last Saturday. When I took this dudes picture I made sure to turn the flash off but for got that the camera makes a fake click zzzzzz sound. It scared me as I was only 2 feet away from his face. Glad It didn't wake him up.
You know It's spring when the belly shirts start coming out OOOOOH YEAH! This dude was coming back from the ST. Patricks Day parade.

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