Sunday, April 12, 2009

Let the dunging begin!

I know it's been a long time coming , but there has been alot of work taking place the last month. So here we go! The Cookie Monster blue carpet was the first thing to go.
It was hard to yank out and after doing so I found that there was at one time a couple of benches and another table post hole where the current bench/bed is. ( bench not shown in this picture)

While waiting for the carpet layer to show up, I needed to replace the front engine compartment door with something a little more cool and weather proof.
Aluminum diamond plate! A friend at the local recycle yard hooked me up with a huge sheet of diamond plate for dirt cheep. Thanks Mike!

Carpet is in thanks to an old friend, John Sanchez. The carpet was another sweet deal. 20 bucks!

Emma in her Napoleon Dynamite boots loved grooving with Lindsay on the fresh carpet.

I had to finish a couple spots in the drivers area that needed carpet.

Well, with all the fresh carpet we just had to do some painting. Brad and Emma were a big help with the priming and painting.

Once again with the Napoleon Dynamite Boots. ???

Painting and carpet complete! Now the bench/bed is currently being recovered by Becky.

I know this is a little out of order but we had some water damage to attend to before we began painting.

We ripped the back wall off and kept Maisy near by just in case a mouse jumped out.

All dead wood cut out.

Fresh wood in place and waiting to be insulated and covered.

OH Yeah! Fresh wall, paint, carpet and to top it off Becky's sweet treatment on the cushions. Much nicer.
Becky is working on bar stool covers to match back seats and sofa at the moment. We just had the front windshields replaced and best of all it passed the safety inspection. Woo hoo! The curtains are being washed and will be back in soon. We are just about ready to camp. Stay tuned!

I dont know why this is in here. Hi Maisy

Monday, March 2, 2009

Now don't go falling in love with it because it's going with us when we leave here next month.

This beauty fell into my lap this last Feb. It's my latest project and a project it is!

When Dad and I went to extract it from it's almost final resting place, we found it frozen to the earth. It also had over a foot of Ice and snow on the roof. In fact I had to give the tarp a Moe haircut so I could drive it home.

Not having a tree growing out the the hood was a real plus. We threw a Battery in and with a few shots of starting fluid and after a quick whif of ozone she roared to life.

A kind neighbor came over and unburied the RV. I wish we would of had him pull us out too because it took jacking up the front and placing boards under the wheels and them hooking up two trucks to pull it out.
While driving the habitat on wheels a loud pinging and rattling was coming from the engine compartment due to the old fuel still in the tank. We stopped by a local Maverick gas station on the way home and added some 91 octane to the tank and all of a sudden the engine ROARED to life. The 440 Plymouth ran strong and as hoped. It only has 63,000 miles on it!

Dad and I Posing in front of the beast. The front engine compartment door wouldn't close. That kinda explains some of the funny looks I was getting.

I'm holding the door up with my back.

While trying to repair the engine compartment door it fell apart so I had to trash the whole thing. You will have to wait to see the end result.
The interior is stuck in a 70's motif that Emma doesn't seem to mind. We will be making some changes. Check out the bar stools and Bar!

Dad came down and Helped me get all the appliances up and running. So far every thing works. Even the A/C unit. We will be waiting for the warm weather to fill the tanks with water and run the shower, sink and toilet.

The dash is totally pimped out as you can see. 8 track player, CB and rotating captains chairs.

440 Plymouth. 2 barrel carb only.

The throne.

Handy little kitchen.

Ok folks, this is the last you will see of the old interior. Stay tuned

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Family Fun In The Shop!

Maisy and I were in charge of the kids one evening and this is what we came up with.
No! it's not an industrial crack pipe! It's a marshmallow shooter!

Lindsay showed great technique even with the binky. Just between you an me, I don't think the marshmallow left the barrel. In fact, most of hers were just eaten.

Bradley came up with this fun idea after seeing some of these guns at Weblo camp.
Of course he modified his by adding a longer barrel. That's my boy!!!

Thanks to all the shooting of marshmallows, the dog ate enough so send just about anyone into a diabetic coma.
Lindsay ran out of marshmallows and had to move onto Captain Crunch. All in all it was one fun evening.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Need A Bigger Garage...

I came across this beauty last fall in one of my work associates apple orchard. I know you're probably thinking...what the heck is it? Well, it's a 70's era International Cub Cadet Harvester.
The story always goes something like this.....It ran when I parked it...
Complete with mower deck, Yummy!
The former owner's son tried tinkering with the carb and gave up. I know this, because it looks like it was left in the dirt for a couple years. For the past two weeks it's been soaking in oil and I have been slowly working all the moving/adjustable parts. It still needs a fuel cup, float, a couple of gaskets, and a stem.

Last night I swapped out the ignition and bolted on the half rebuilt carb. I was itching to crank it over and so with a couple of shots of starting fluid and a quick whiff of ozone, it roared to life. Oh Yeah! I'm currently looking up the needed parts for the carb. I'll keep y'all posted. By the way, the motorized bike works okay for now. I'm looking for the correct belt for the comet torque converter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Slowly But, Well, Slowly

Well, I know its been a long time since the last up date on this thing but with all the sickness, calling stuff, and getting ready for the Trip I'm taking to China, It's been hard to get stuff done in the garage. I did find some time this week though. So here we go. The twist grip throttle adapted perfectly to the handle bar and I had to freshen up the shifter which now works great.
I ran into a little trouble with the magneto got giving the needed spark.

I had to salvage one (magneto) from a donor motor.
And here she is. (magneto) It was a quick and easy fix and when reassembled the engine ran great.
I totally lucked out and found a belt from my among my treasures that fit perfect. All that's left is adjusting the chain length and some foot pegs and she'll be ready for her maiden voyage. Once the bugs are worked out ( if any) I plan to ride this to work and back once! It should be one fun cop dodging experience. If pulled over I plan on getting off the hook by the cop assuming that I'm mentally challenged. Shouldn't be to hard to see.

Speaking of mental, here's a couple of picks of some bums on the Trax train in Salt Lake City. We took the young men to Temple Square last Saturday. When I took this dudes picture I made sure to turn the flash off but for got that the camera makes a fake click zzzzzz sound. It scared me as I was only 2 feet away from his face. Glad It didn't wake him up.
You know It's spring when the belly shirts start coming out OOOOOH YEAH! This dude was coming back from the ST. Patricks Day parade.